Sell Like A Millionaire: Discover The Proven Way to Know What To Say & How To Say It So You Can Meet More People, Do More Deals & Make More Money.

The Next NLP+ INTENSIVE Starts May 4th!

Registration Open - Limited Spots Available.

Are you ready to expand your network, get access more and more deals to ultimately increase your income?

Are you ready to tap into your inner strength and exude unshakeable confidence that will propel you towards unstoppable success?

Are you ready to turn your real estate dreams into reality and start generating consistent deals so you can live the lifestyle you have been dreaming about?

The NLP+ Intensive is a 12-week Program Designed for Real Estate Investors, Agents, & Brokers

Priceless Benefits of the NLP+ Intensive Program

  • Master time-tested language patterns that allow you to know what to say, and how to say it.
  • ​Develop a personalized library of language patterns that effortlessly move your prospect toward a Yes
  • Discover the keys to being a fierce communicator while maintaining rapport, comfort, and empathy 
  • Leverage the 3 Foundational Rapport tactics that instantly remove resistance from any relationship
  • Plus...Mastermind with your peers committed to success

Develop A Silver Tongue
and a Golden Touch.

The sooner you know what to say and how to say it, the better.

"I can confidently say that this course seriously transformed my sales career. Coach Pipes' passion for the course is truly contagious! His enthusiasm sparks an incredibly engaging and invigorating atmosphere. You can feel confident knowing that this course will not only help your business transform but will also empower your day-to-day life, enabling you to make an impact with each word spoken."

Greg Cummings, Top Agent & Team Leader
"I will look back on my time in NLP as one of the most pivotal seasons in my life. While I'm extremely grateful to have learned so much about language patterns and influence, it was  the structure this program created and the emphasis on integrity that acted as the catalyst in accelerating some really important initiatives both personally and professionally. It was an absolute privilege to go through this curriculum and have Bill as a teacher."
Ciji Siddons, Entrepreneur & Real Estate Investor
“NLP+ gave me the confidence to know that when people are already a “yes” all I have to do is say the right words. Now those words are right on the tip of my tongue and Boom! It’s like having unlimited personal power available on demand.”
Cuthberto Ramos, Investor & Financier

Say Goodbye to Rejection
Say Hello to Confidence

Language Makes You Powerful

Here's a sneak peek at the NLP+ Intensive curriculum...

The Language of Cause and Effect.

People are more likely to accept what you’re offering if your approach speaks directly to their worldview. In other words, meeting them on the same level gives you greater influence over the outcome.

Presenting your ideas using cause-and-effect relationships can provide your prospects with a sense of security and assurance. When you explain things that their mind naturally comprehends, it's like finding the perfect key to unlock their agreement.

Cause and Effect contains 2 Language Patterns That Are Almost Impossible to say no to. Get ready, because your confidence will soar when you start using these patterns.

#1: Direct Cause and Effect

Do you want to successfully influence your prospects without rejection? Connect their existing beliefs with a new action you'd like them to take.

Direct Cause and Effect looks like this: “Obvious Truth Means New Behavior.”

The word “Means” is one of 30 distinct words you can use to create a direct causal link between two concepts.  

Imagine something like this spontaneously coming out of your mouth on the phone with a prospect.
“You are behind on your mortgage payments, which means we need to get together immediately before the bank takes your home and your family is scattered in the wind. Which is better for you, Monday or Tuesday at 6pm?”
Our natural instinct is to connect patterns and create relationships between things. To be more influential, take advantage of this little-known human inclination by providing your prospects with a narrative that links ideas together - it will make for an enticing story!

#2: Implied Cause and Effect

By connecting the dots between known truths and desired beliefs, you can persuade your prospect in a powerful way. Using Implied Cause and Effect, you will be armed with 10 options to convince them to say yes.

Here is one example of just 1 of 10 Implied Cause and Effect patterns; “As truth, new belief.” Another way to think about that pattern is, “As this happens, so does that.”

Imagine building a personalize library of statements to use with prospects and having this just popping out of your mouth without even thinking about it,
“As you look at my offer, you realize that it’s fair and you should take it.”
Learning to create Implied Cause and Effect relationships unleashes your ability to convince people in a frictionless way. Showing the connections between ideas amplifies their impact - helping to build an undeniable case for what you're saying.

The Language of Presuppositions

Highly influential agents and brokers assume rapport and assume the sale. Using Presuppositions you are able to make your presentation sound compelling and convincing to buyers and sellers.

Presuppositions are assumptions or convictions that are implicit or taken for granted in a conversation. They are ideas that are assumed to be true without being explicitly stated.

During your 12 weeks in the NLP+ course, you will learn 4 empowering presuppositions that make your presentations sound more authentic, while leveraging the power of assumption to guide your potential seller towards a signed agreement.

#3: Adverb Presuppositions

Using Adverbs creates an assumption in the mind of your listener. The word “obviously” is one of twenty Adverb Presuppositions you will start to gain mastery over during your time in NLP+.

Imagine how powerful you will feel when this just spontaneously comes out of your mouth…
“Obviously, you want to get together as soon as possible before this falling market erodes even more of your equity, right?”
The word “obviously” changes the way the listener hears the rest of the sentence. Everything gets put through the filter that implies, “what I’m about to hear is obvious”.

Unleashing the power of Adverbs inspires confidence in your listener. This is a secret weapon on conversing and influencing. Imagine how naturally influential you could be if these words just rolled off your tongue!

#4: Awareness Presuppositions

To get the deal, you have to be on the same page as your buyers and sellers. That means you have to know how to capture their attention and get them to focus on what truly matters. That’s not easy, until now.

Your prospects procrastinate and hesitate, because they don’t focus on the issues that would cause them to sell the house. They are distracted with issues that don’t really matter.
Awareness Presuppositions allow you to capture a prospects attention and shift their focus back to the benefits they will gain or the losses that will occur if they don’t take action.
Awareness Presuppositions have 35 variations you will master. An easy one to start with is “starting to realize”. Imagine how powerful you will feel when something like this comes out of your mouth automatically…
“Are you starting to realize how much easier your life will be without this house dragging you down? It feels good, doesn’t it?”
It's not easy to convince others to face their pressing matters - but with a well placed nudge in the right direction, there’s no limit to what you could achieve!

#5: Automatic Presuppositions

Automatic Presuppositions operate on a subconscious level, acting as an invisible force that influences our actions and presumes future events will unfold with or without our consent. This predisposition can be powerful if you learn to harness its potential.

You are about to learn 12 Automatic Presuppositions. Let’s use the word “intuitively” in a sentence. Using “intuitively” implies that what you are saying is already in your prospect’s unconscious mind.

Imagine how confident you would feel if this just rolled off your tongue when the homeowner told you that they wanted to paint the house first to increase its value…
“Intuitively, you realize that painting the house won’t create more value, because the next owner will have to tear down walls and remodel the kitchen. Do you really want to spend the time and money on something that the new owner could change anyway?”
Automatic Presuppositions act like a knowing force of fate, automatically taking control and assuming that something will happen. This language is so powerful that it can convince even the toughest prospect!

#6: Temporal Presuppositions

Temporal Presuppositions create the illusion of a timeline. By assuming what has or hasn't happened yet, you can actively shape your prospects' reality and make it easy for them to say yes.

In NLP+, you will master 13 Temporal Presuppositions. Let’s use the word “after” to assume they have already decided to sign the agreement with you.

Can you imagine what it will be like when these types of sentences just drop out of your mouth? Check it out…
After you sign the agreement, we can get the home cleaned, staged and listed for the fastest possible sale, won’t that be great?
Outstanding communicators recognize the power of presupposition. By assuming rapport and success, they can craft persuasive presentations that sound genuine and highly influential - while making the homeowner feel at ease and eager to work with you.

The Power of Objection Handling

Stop being tongue-tied in conversations and become unstoppable with customized NLP+ Objection Handlers. Learn how to handle any objection with poise and skill. There is no need to struggle with finding the right words - NLP+ objection handlers give you the confidence to turn objections into dollars.

Here is a list of objections that you will work on in your NLP+ Intensive...
  • I'm afraid to buy a house right now.
  • ​It's a bad time to buy.
  • ​The home I want is too expensive.
  • ​Your commission is too high.
  • ​Another agent will list my house for more.
  • ​I'm not willing to make updates on my home.
  • ​I don't want to lower my price.
  • ​I will just sell it myself.
  • ​I don’t want to give my house away.
  • ​I’m on the do not call list.
  • ​How did you get my phone number?
  • ​​​I don’t even know you and you are asking questions that I don’t feel comfortable answering.
  • ​You called me, you tell me what you think my house is worth?
  • ​I can’t sell my house because I’m behind on my mortgage.
  • ​​I can’t sell my house until I fix it up.
  • ​​I can’t sell my house until I find a new place to live.
  • ​​I need to think about it before making a decision.
  • ​​I need to talk to my wife, my lawyer, my parents before making a decision.
  • ​​I like you, but you are the first person I’ve spoken to about this. I need to talk to some other experts before making a decision.
  • ​​My house is worth more.
  • ​​My neighbor's house sold for more than that.
  • ​​Zillow says my house is worth way more than you are offering.
  • ​​All I need is a coat of paint, and I can sell it for more.
  • ​Why should I trust you?

Objection Combinations

Unlock your power to craft persuasive rebuttals on demand! Creating objection handlers in NLP+ is a breeze. You don't need to be an expert to create high-quality objection handlers that will result in more deals closed and a wealthier bottom line for your business.

With practice you will start to combine together the language patterns to create objection handlers with ease. Using combinations you can create endless possibilities on the fly, which gives you unparalleled confidence.

In this rebuttal, let’s use three of the patters we have already spoken about;
  • Cause and Effect
  • ​Awareness Presuppositions
  • ​Tie-Down Questions 
Check it out…

Your prospect says, “I need to talk to my real estate agent before selling my house.”

And almost magically… this pops out of your mouth…
“I can appreciate that you want to talk to your agent first and have you considered this idea…

The very fact that you have invited me over to your house tonight means you don’t want to deal with headaches and the delays of putting your home on the market.

I think you are starting to realize that an agent's job is to convince you to put your home on the open market so they can get a commission. And it’s not their job to give you a fair, unbiased offer that you can say yes to right now.

Are you prepared to spend a few months with hundreds of people parading through your home, hoping to find someone who has the time, the money and inclination to rehab your house and make it their own?

Accept my offer and I will make this easy, effortless and enjoyable.”

If you're committed to being a successful investor, then creating objection handlers can be a tricky task.

But don't worry - with NLP+, it's easier than ever!

With NLP+, you will have the skills you need to turn their leads into flips, equity and cash flow.

#7: Has There Ever Been A Time When

What if you could utilize your prospect's previous experience to get them on board with your offer? One way to do this is by leveraging your prospect's past experiences and showing them how they might be repeating a mistake from the past. People naturally avoid repeating mistakes.

Using the objection handler "Has there ever been a time when" you can help your prospect avoid the potential for making the same mistake twice, and create an opportunity for mutual success.

Here is an example for the objection, “Zillow says my house is worth way more than you are offering.” How cool would it be if this just rolled off your tongue…
“Ah yes! That makes sense that Zillow would say your house is worth more.

Let me ask you a question. Has there ever been a time in your life when you got a piece of bad information and you didn’t find out until it was too late?

Well, this time is just like that time. Can I tell you how?

Zillow creates an estimate based on average tax records and information it gets from realtors.

You and I have already discussed that your home needs a new roof, new kitchen, and new bathrooms. That will cost me or any buyer $75k-$100k to bring your house up to date… does Zillow have any way of knowing this about your house?

Interest rates have created a slow down in the market. Homes are selling for less and less every day.

If you want to risk it, you can try to sell it based on Zillows estimate or you can take my offer, right now… a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Shall we proceed?”

As an investor, knowing how to handle a homeowner's objections is paramount to your success and building your wealth. When you invest in NLP+ you will master the art of objection handling, learn to think quickly on your feet and present solutions in an insightful and persuasive manner.

#8: Embedded Commands

When you learn to use Embedded Commands, you start to create a new filter for your clients to listen to you through. They influence how people think about you.

During NLP+ you will learn to use 40 different Embedded Commands.
Let’s use the command “trust me” in our example. In the example below I am going to tell our prospect that they don’t have to trust me, but I am going to change my tonality so that the unconscious mind latches onto the command “trust me”.

Because this technique involves the subtle art of changing your voice, it’s difficult to demonstrate in writing. I’ve used the "…" on either side of trust me to indicate a change in tonality.

Think about how powerful you will feel when this kind of statement just rolls off your tongue.
Obviously, it will be easy to … trust me… once I show you how I've sold 15 homes in the last 6 months... don't you agree?
When used correctly, tie-down questions can be a powerful tool for investors who strive to get more deals and create more cash flow.

As an agent or broker, knowing how to handle a homeowner's objections is paramount to your success and building your business. When you invest in NLP+ you will master the art of objection handling, learn to think quickly on your feet and present solutions in an insightful and persuasive manner.

Are You Ready The NLP+ Intensive?

Here's what you need to know...


  • The NLP+ Intensive, is INTENSE. By enrolling, you are giving your word that you are going to show up, keep your promises and play full out
  • ​NLP+ Intensive is an immersive 12-week Program lead by Master Coach & NLP Practitioner Bill Pipes
  • ​The Program is limited to 40 students, who are enrolled on a first come first served basis
  • ​Once enrolled you will be matched with 3 others, to create a four-person NLP+ Team that will meet with Coach Pipes for 30 minutes each week
  • ​​Your Team call will be the same day and time for the entire 12-week course, and assigned to you in advance (you'll provide your ideal time slots to ensure no scheduling conflicts)
  • Your first 30 minute NLP+ Team Call is May 4th (time  TDB)
  • ​The NLP+ Kickoff 'All Call' is Tuesday, May 2nd at 2 pm Pacific.
  • ​​Built into the curriculum is a accountability structure designed to ensure you get the most out of the time and money you've invested in the program
  • ​You are agreeing to participate in a DAILY accountability call with your NLP+ Team.
  • Each month you'll set 10 inspiring promises designed to move you forward with velocity
  • And... you are promising to write and send in 5 sentences PER DAY, 5 days a week.
  • ​Your Team will compete against the other NLP+ Teams for massive bragging rights... PLUS a yet-to-be-announced gift.
  • NLP+ is a one-time investment of $3000 or 3 monthly payments of $1200.
  • ​​NLP+ comes with a Risk-Free, 100% Money-Back Guarantee (see below for details)
Your Investment includes with our Risk Free, 200% Money Back Guarantee

Would You Risk $33.33 a Day... To Double Your Investment in 90 days?

Check Out Our CRAZY, UNHEARD OF, Risk-Free 200% Money Back Guarantee

Here's the  DEAL. NLP+ is a proven system for teaching you the language pattern curriculum created by legendary sales coach Matthew Ferry.

When you devote yourself to this curriculum, you are declaring your commitment to meeting more people, getting more deals and making more money.

That's why we GUARANTEE your results. You put in the work and the results naturally occur.

Our guarantee is simple; Attend all Weekly Team Calls and Turn In All Your NLP Daily Sentences, and If You Don't DOUBLE Your Investment in  NLP+ within 90 Days of the End of the Program, We'll GIVE YOU 2x your investment BACK. No questions asked.

To be eligible for our Risk-Free 100% Money Back Guarantee, you must:
#1. Attend and participate in all 12 weekly Team Calls with Coach Pipes and
#2. Turn in all your daily NLP+ language pattern practice sentences, on time.
Then, if you don't close at least one more deal within 90 days of completing NLP+ we refund all your money, no questions asked. 
A division of Matthew Ferry International, LLC
2618 San Miguel Drive #100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
NLP+ and NLP Essentials are proprietary programs created by Matthew Ferry for your personal use only unless otherwise agreed to in advance. Teaching, sharing, publishing, copying, writing about, or otherwise using this material, in any form, other than as agreed, violates our copyright. Thank you for respecting our intellectual property rights.

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